I love this pillow of French streets by Bonjour mon coussin. Didn't we see this week that French words make everything seem more adorable? Well, most specifically those spoken by one precious little girl! If you haven't witnessed this cuteness already, check it out here and here, and then tell me if your heart doesn't just melt!
Oh yes, back to the pillow- Je l'adore (um, is that conjugated correctly? My French is terribly rusty!)
The pillows below show flight and nautical charts, and I love them for their illustrations as much as their maps. The "Aeroplane" pillow also speaks to this item on my to-do list!

Also, I adore the color grey and think it's possible the Pirate Ship pillow could be happy residing in our bedroom (well, we don't have a nautical look, but the color certainly would go!)

The sweetness of these birds kills me! Aren't they nearly too cute for words?
Map Birds from Cotton Bird Designs
With these map plates, I think I might race to finish my food just so I could study the streets beneath!
City Plates at notNeutral, Map Plates at Pedlars
This would not only be a lovely coffee table book, but certainly an interesting read as well.

And lastly if you are looking for a personal piece of artwork, you might want to check out these original commission map collages from Selflesh. Jane of Ill Seen, Ill Said had one commissioned to connect the two places with the greatest hold on her heart- (Dublin) Ireland and (Toronto) Canada. The work certainly speaks to the way multiple places can tug at our heartstrings and how we can be at home in one place and still feel the pull of another.