Wednesday is Bake at 350's 1 year blogiversary! Woo-hoo! :) In celebration, I thought we'd have a little giveaway.
Leave a comment on this post....with either a link to your blog or an email address so I can contact you...and a winner will be chosen at random on November 19th. The prize is...a box of cookies! :) (US address only.)
I'll leave you with the cookies we're taking to the end-of-season baseball party this afternoon. (No, these are not the giveaway cookies!) Nothing fancy, but my son really wanted them to have the team name on them. The more I wrote "giants" last night, the stranger it looked. I had to come out of the kitchen and ask my husband..."is giants spelled G-I-ANTS?" It still looks weird!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Are you ready for a GIVEAWAY?
Artikel Terkait Are you ready for a GIVEAWAY? :
A BACKWARDS giveaway and a reminder. . .Do you have this book, Hello Cupcake? It is such a fun book and a copy is going to Mrs. G at The Givens Chronicles because she w ...
Brownie Batter Ice Cream ( and a giveaway! )Have you heard of Naturally Nora? Naturally Nora is a line of baking mixes, such as cake, frosting and brownie, that is all ...
Want to be a Hip Hostess? (an APRON giveaway){We have a winner! Congratulations, Sara!}Get ready...this is the cutest giveaway EVER!Let me introduce you to The Hip Hostess! I ...
A little Martha for Mother's Day...(a giveaway){Update: Congratulations, Stephanie at The Happy Homemaker! She's our Martha giveaway winner!!!}Mother's Day is one week plus on ...
Chocolates for Mom...a giveaway for TWO!!!{Update: the winners are: Sarah {SCS: Sairabee} and Dessert Obsessed. Congratulations, ladies!}Just in time for Mother's Day... ...