Friday, April 22, 2011
Stamps + Nesties = Quick and Cute Easter Cards
Blessed Good Friday to all who celebrate. I thought I would take a break from my in-home projects I have had going part of this week and share my three final 2011 Easter Cards. Earlier this winter I purchased this adorable little Easter girl stamp as party of a Stampin' Up set. I just had to make a few cards with her before the season passed.
I used Stampin' Up Rose ink and stamped the image on smooth white cardstock. I used classic rectangular nesties and one of the newer label sets to cut out my girl and her mattings. I whipped up some quick cards using leftover Easter papers and white ribbon and pop dotted the stamped images on to the front of the cards. I added a pink button with floss to each card.
I also stamped the image using Stampin Up "Almost Amethyst" ink and purple cardstock. I did not show you the entire purple card because the purple looks horrid against my bright pink background. This pink/purple combination was visually offensive!
I am excited because my younger son arrives in from Atlanta today. The Easter bunny had to do a bit of last minute shopping this week. I also have to finish Aaron's and Crissie's baskets, though I did get Crissie a Zoku frozen pop maker. I have one and Doug and I love it. Homemade pudding pops are wonderful.
With my family in town for Easter I probably will not post again until Monday - we have a lot of activities planned for the weekend. I wish you all fabulous weekend and a very special Easter!!
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