If you are looking for something simple, quick and UTTERLY DELICIOUS to make and share for Easter, I have something for you.....Bunny Bait!
This idea actually comes from darling Kellie of This Blessed Nest and her Valentine Confetti.
{Why, yes, I have been dreaming about this since February.}
I followed Kellie's instructions (so pop over there for the recipe) with just a couple minor tweaks:

- I used Easter m&m's (that was probably obvious),
- and plain vanilla candy melts,
- and 2 full bags of popcorn,
- and added....

Here's my #1 tip for making Bunny Bait....

This stuff is highly addictive. Bag it up and....Put it in your kiddo's lunchbox. Send it to kiddo's teacher (Hi, Mrs. P!). Run it over to the neighbors. Send it with your hubby to work.

{And if your hubby is concerned about handing out something called "bunny bait" to his colleagues, tell him "Candied Popcorn" will work just fine.} ;)