St. Patrick's Day has always been a *BIG DEAL* in our family. Growing up, my sister & I would come downstairs for breakfast and there was always a little green "happy" sitting at our places. {One year, I got a green bikini. ;)}
{And, I wore this pin on St. Patrick's Day EVERY YEAR from high school through college....and maybe a few years beyond that. Yes, I am a total dork.}
I wanted to make something a little girlie for St. Patrick's Day. So, I went with dresses. Every Irish girl wants to look their best on St. Paddy's Day, right?
{"Kiss Me, I'm Irish!" Yes, I also had that pin, but went for subtlety. ;)}
The dresses were made using edible image sheets.
- I bought digital scrapbook paper and printed an entire sheet.
- Using my cookie cutter as a guide, I traced the shape onto the paper using a thin food coloring pen.
- Then, I cut the shapes out, and...
- ...because I didn't want icing to show around the edges of the dresses, I applied a thin coating of royal icing, that had been loosened with just a few drops of water, to the back.
- I attached these to the cookies.

Note: Next time, I would make a regular sugar cookie, not chocolate. With the thin coating of icing on the back, the chocolate does show through in places.
{But, here is a great chocolate cookie recipe to try!}

So, how about you? Do you celebrate St. Patrick's Day? What do you do?