To live the life that you want, desktop wallpapers offer you a variety of designs or photos to download freely from the internet and paste on your computer screen. This collection gathers your innermost wishes and desires, and make them look and feel like real - but on the computer monitor.
Animals Category is a collection of adorable and cuddly images of dogs and cats playing with each other or playing alone.
Celebrities category is a showcase of the hottest celebrities in Hollywood dressed up in their most trendy clothing. List includes Angelina Jolie, Liv Tyler, Nicole Kidman, Britney Spears, and other favorite popular stars.
Flowers category displays different images of flowers like red tulips, white roses, and other colorful flowers in bloom.
Music category sets up your favorite music artists in different photos. These photos remind you of their album covers and music.
Military category shows fighter planes, assault vehicles, B52 bomber, aircraft carriers, and other helicopters for military use.
Nature takes you to a relaxing stroll into their photo of a Wooden Path or in admiration for their image of a Water Drop on a Leaf.
Places bring you to places you have never been to or actually have already been to that linger in your mind. Examples are the Empire State Building, White House, Statue of Liberty, Eiffel Tower, or the Tower Bridge.
Space category will stun you with its images of heavenly space, planetary space, and everything abstract to space and Earth time.
Anime category toys with the works of computer and the works of real life, producing animated characters and designs such as Naruto 24.
Cartoons take you down the memory lane of childhood with its designs of cartoon characters like Tweety, Winnie the Pooh, and more.
Cars category lets you imagine driving your favorite car of Porsche and other luxurious big boys' toys.
Holidays category reminds you of the good times during holiday seasons like Christmas, Valentine, Mother's Day, and so on.
More alternatives can be found in this collection of wallpapers. Each wallpaper satisfying your gnawing passion for things or your desires or dreams of luxurious or simple stuff, how you want it and whenever you want it. So if you are too tired, bored, or you just want to slip into that dreamy space and time, take a time off to stare at your favorite wallpaper and live it the way you want it.
Animals Category is a collection of adorable and cuddly images of dogs and cats playing with each other or playing alone.
Celebrities category is a showcase of the hottest celebrities in Hollywood dressed up in their most trendy clothing. List includes Angelina Jolie, Liv Tyler, Nicole Kidman, Britney Spears, and other favorite popular stars.
Flowers category displays different images of flowers like red tulips, white roses, and other colorful flowers in bloom.

Military category shows fighter planes, assault vehicles, B52 bomber, aircraft carriers, and other helicopters for military use.
Nature takes you to a relaxing stroll into their photo of a Wooden Path or in admiration for their image of a Water Drop on a Leaf.
Places bring you to places you have never been to or actually have already been to that linger in your mind. Examples are the Empire State Building, White House, Statue of Liberty, Eiffel Tower, or the Tower Bridge.
Space category will stun you with its images of heavenly space, planetary space, and everything abstract to space and Earth time.
Anime category toys with the works of computer and the works of real life, producing animated characters and designs such as Naruto 24.
Cartoons take you down the memory lane of childhood with its designs of cartoon characters like Tweety, Winnie the Pooh, and more.
Cars category lets you imagine driving your favorite car of Porsche and other luxurious big boys' toys.

More alternatives can be found in this collection of wallpapers. Each wallpaper satisfying your gnawing passion for things or your desires or dreams of luxurious or simple stuff, how you want it and whenever you want it. So if you are too tired, bored, or you just want to slip into that dreamy space and time, take a time off to stare at your favorite wallpaper and live it the way you want it.