There was a young girl from Dallas,
...wait, that's a limerick, not an ode.....
I'm not quite sure how to write an ode, but I will tell you, bread is special to me.

{This is Panera's Tomato Basil bread.}
I grew up smelling bread dough rise for my mom's famous cinnamon rolls. There was beer bread, warm from the oven and slathered in butter. Bread was always a part of our lives.
My Bread Story: Well, I was dating this guy. And one day (15 years ago today, to be exact, right about this time of's 4:30pm here), he called and asked if I wanted to go to Happy Hour. Of course, I said!
He picked me up, and drove not to a restaurant, or to a bar, but to a park. A beautiful park. From the back seat, he produced a loaf of bread and a bottle of champagne. We sat on a wooden park bench, sipped champange and tore off chunks of bread.
And then, I SCREAMED! There was something big and BLACK in the bread. He was calm, removed the black "thing" from the was a box. He knelt down on one knee and proposed.
{When you're dating someone with an engineering degree, I guess it shouldn't come as a shock that he carves out the perfect size cubbyhole in a loaf of bread for a ring box. And then puts the whole thing back together perfectly.}
So, the rest is history. It may explain why, as I watched this Panera "Ode to Bread" video, I got teary-eyed. Watch it and tell me, does it make you teary, too?
Just ONE of the reasons I LOVE Panera, is that their freshly made, always delicious loaves of bread are ready and waiting for me in the store when I don't have the time....or am feeling too make my own.

Treat yourself to one.....or better yet, have your honey pick a loaf for you. You never know what might be hiding in there! ;)
{Do YOU have a bread story?}
I'd love to for you to share it here...or with Panera on their Facebook page.
I'd love to for you to share it here...or with Panera on their Facebook page.
(This is a sponsored post by Panera Bread, but my opinions, words and proposal story are all my own.)