You know those people in your life that you just *trust* when it comes to food? I don't care if they are serving you a piece of toast, or a bowl of soup, or a slice of know it's going to be good.
Well, this recipe comes from one of *those* Aunt Janice. When she mentioned these Pecan Snowballs around Christmastime, I knew I MUST make them!
Two things....
- Aunt Janice says that she usually doubles this recipe. I forgot to buy double the pecans. I will not make that mistake again. DOUBLE IT....they go FAST!
- not pinch off a piece to taste before baking. You may end up eating half the dough before it gets to the oven. {Not that I did that or anything.}
Pecan Snowballs
{from Aunt Janice}
1/2 cup (1 stick) butter
3 Tablespoons sugar
1 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup chopped pecans
1 cup flour
Powdered sugar to coat the snowballs after baking
Cream sugar, salt, butter.
Add vanilla, then flour and nuts.

Chill 2 hours.
Form small balls...about 1 inch diameter

Place balls on cookie sheet and bake in 250 degree oven (yes, two hundred fifty:) until light brown on bottoms......40-50 minutes.

Roll them in powdered sugar as soon as they are cool enough to handle. Then, roll them again after they've cooled more. Then, roll them again when completely cool.

These cookies were a huge hit at our house! Make them....just remember to double that batch!