Wow, you guys certainly know your plants! I think we have identified the plant in question as Echium and it seems that I will be able to plant it here in my garden in Brisbane. How exciting! Thank you so much for all your wonderful comments and suggestions.
Having a spare block on the side of our house presents lots of opportunity. We have been dreaming of gardens, cricket pitches, trampolines, a cow {yes Harry thought a cow would be fun} and even the thought of a tennis court has crossed our minds. Of course I have my heart set on a {real} grass court but I can only imagine the upkeep. When I am out and about I sometimes snap photos of houses or fences or gardens I see which capture me. Recently I have found myself snapping photos of tennis courts. Here are a few {badly taken} photos of some I have seen around Brisbane which I love and a couple at the top taken by Sydney photographer Glen Allsop. I personally love the white painted timber tennis courts and I would love to grow a beautiful creeper all over one side which would back onto our neighbours but for the moment, I will continue to dream and consider all options...well, maybe not the cow!!