Lee Bierly and Chris Drake bring the tropical feel inside in their Palm Beach home. Sunny Extravagance is what I think of when I admire this gettaway home. Traditional Home included the best of color in this issue, and this home is no exception to that focus. I hope you enjoy strolling through the photographs as much as I have. Enjoy!

Now on to etiquette...
See you soon,
Emily Post's Etiquette, 17th Edition (Thumb Indexed)
Embracing Etiquette with Teresa continued... see introduction post (1-29-10.)
In parking lots, go slow and pay attention to all of the signs. Do not drive down a row in which cars are parked the opposite direction, and do use extra caution if driving through an open space in a row to get to the other side; it is hard for the other drivers to see you coming through. Center your car in the parking space, and don’t even think of cramming an SUV or pther large vehicle into a space reserved for compacts.
Tomorrow we cover At the Gas Pumps.
See you soon,