....hoppin' down the bunny trail,
hippity, hoppity,
Easter's on its way!

They gave me an excuse to break out the sanding sugar...and I like a cookie with sanding sugar. And, really, something about SPRING just screams sanding sugar to me. You, too?
Here's how I add sanding sugar once a cookie is complete:
- Let the cookies dry overnight.

- Mix together equal amounts of meringue powder and water, just stir it together with a spoon. (I used 1/2 tsp. each here.)

- Using a small (food-only) paintbrush, brush the mixture along the edge and tail of the bunnies.

- Sprinkle on the sanding sugar. Shake off the excess. (I use a coffee filter to catch the excess and funnel it back into the container. Read more about how I set up a "sanding sugar station" here.)

I want to see what YOU are making for Easter! Cookies, cupcakes, crafts? Link them up below!
{Please link to your blog POST URL, not just your blog main page. Thanks!}