Last spring, I mentioned how although green was the accent color I'd used throughout many rooms in E's and my house, I had found myself craving blue. Living between two places, our house and apartment, I chose to move forward with incorporating blue into our interiors through the purchase of a blue velvet sofa for our apartment.
Maybe a story for another time, but bringing this specific piece into our lives was undoubtedly meant to be, and even after months of living with it, our sofa still makes me smile daily. The blue. The velvet. The tufting. The shape. I've been head over heels in L-O-V-E. I have grown more and more excited to settle into a new home where I've planned to make blue a prominent color in our main living space on account of this beauty.
Wrapped up in my new and exciting love, I've been ready to leave green behind without a second glance. And then I came upon this photo.

Left: A Passion for Collecting via The City Sage. Right: Jessica Antola.
Looking through my saved images, I next uncovered these photos that also speak the praises of green-- specifically, a lovely mint hue different than the accents threaded through our house, which may be exactly why these spaces turned my head.
I have no intention of being a fickle lover to our blue sofa or my plans for its future home, but these images are a gentle reminder-- there is room enough in my heart to still have affection for my old flame, green.