I wouldn't say I'm lucky, but I have won a few things in my life...
- When I was 6, I won a coloring contest at our local Baskin-Robbins. The prize? 31 FREE scoops of ice cream!!! Is there anything more exciting than free ice cream to a 6-year-old (or a 40-year-old, for that matter)?
- As a sophomore in high school, I won tickets from a radio station to the Cyndi Lauper concert. Second row from the top of the auditorium, total nosebleed seats, but I WON!!!
{Unfortunately, I bought SHE BOP earrings at the concert and wore them....to school! Do you know that "she bop" doesn't have anything to do with dancing? Yeah, me neither...until the *dreamy* senior who sat behind me in Spanish class filled me in. I still wasn't *quite sure* what he was talking about, but I knew it was bad. Google it.}
- And, then, Foodbuzz sent out an email asking if any of its featured publishers would like to apply to go to Kelly's Cake Off. I applied hoping I'd get lucky (and not in the She Bop way) and be chosen. I was!!! Yay!
First, I got to meet 14 fabulous food bloggers!!! (You can see a list here.)

{Here I am with the brilliant Jessie of CakeSpy.}

Before the festivities even started, Jen of My Kitchen Addiction & I met with Gail of the ultra-amazing One Tough Cookie. (Go, see for yourself. She's a cookie genius!) Gail treated us to cappuccinos at Pastis and I felt very hip & New York.
Then, we all went to the Gastropub (I'm not sure what that means, but trust me, it's good) The Spotted Pig. We were ushered to a private kitchen and given a cooking demo (& dinner) by Chef April Bloomfield.

You guys...it was phenomenal.
{It was my very first time to eat duck and I'm looking at those duckies in the pond down the street in a whole new light.}

After that, we headed up to the rooftop bar at our hotel for a drink and a gift exchange with the other bloggers.
That morning, we were up at the crack of dawn to go to a taping of Live! with Regis & Kelly. Here's what I loved:
- a car service....seriously, being picked up and driven around town is something I could get used to,
- Kelly & Regis came over and talked to the audience between segments. I was most impressed by that.
- Regis threw candy into the audience. I didn't get any, but I still love Regis for it.

Here's the secret about Kelly Ripa.....ready?
EATS! Really! She does! Between segments, she ate right from a bag of All-Bran cereal...and joked that she might have to make a quick exit...AND before the cooking segment, she snacked on the nuts and chocolate. (I know you all are probably as shocked as I was.)

Oh, and she's tee-nine-y! (That's tiny.) I thought about sticking her in my purse and bringing her home to Texas. Look at me, y'all, in that picture. I'm freaking Julia Child towering over everyone. I'm even hunching.
Then, it was time for the Cake Off. You all know about that (or if you don't, click here).
I just have to add how nice everyone was to us...the people from Electrolux and Foodbuzz and the PR people handling the event. Kelly Ripa was beautiful and fun and really quick-witted!

{Did I mention the swag?!?!?}

Buddy, Frankie, Remy and the gang from Cake Boss were so fabulous! They were *the sweetest* guys and stayed as long as we needed to help with the cakes, sign autographs, take pictures...and then they had to CLEAN up all of the cake paraphernalia. Oh, and Buddy's cakes taste every bit as delicious as they look!
Overall, I was lucky! It was a fabulous trip, for a great cause, and I feel blessed to have been a part of it.
Today is the LAST DAY (2-19) to vote on a cake. Remember, for every vote, Electrolux donates $1 to the OCRF. What an easy way to make a difference. (And you can still send a virtual cake through March.)

Thank you, thank you for supporting this cause (and me)! ♥

My participation with Kelly's Cake Off for a Cause was sponsored by Electrolux and Foodbuzz who provided me with travel arrangements to and accommodations in New York to participate.