Run by a mother & daughter team, The Hip Hostess makes the most stylish and adorable aprons!

My newest addition: the demi style Black a la Mode. I wear it even when I'm not baking. :) And I feel oh, so hip!

Here's how to enter:
- Pop on over to The Hip Hostess website and leave a comment with which is your favorite apron (I won't hold you to it),
- I'd also like to know (because I'm nosy)...how many aprons do you have?
- For an extra entry, tweet about the giveaway... "Adorable apron giveaway from @TheHipHostess at @bakeat350tweets ~ http://bit.ly/5zr5uK " Come back and leave a separate comment with your tweet link.

PS...I'm guest posting over at We Are THAT Family
PPS...If you are making cookies (or would like to) for our virtual Drop In & Decorate event, please email me (contact button up top) with pictures and details by December 10th. I'll post a round-up of cookie donations mid-month. I've already heard from several of you and YOU GUYS ROCK!!!