Sparkling Indonesia 2 is the Culture Night show held by PPI-USM (Persatuan Pelajar Indonesia - Universiti Sains Malaysia).
This show purpose is to introduce Indonesian Rich Cultures such Traditional Dances, Drama, Music, & Traditional Clothes.
The performance were performed by the students of IPB (Institut Pertanian Bogor,Indonesia).
As for the Guest Star, they were BUNKFACE, a rising band in Malaysia.
As for me, I was the MC for the show.
it was soo embarassinggg.
Actually on Sparkling 1 Last Year, I was the MC too, but because it was represent in English & more formal so I think I did better last year.
This year is a more casual show & the MC have to represent in Indonesian.
It was a little bit awkward for me. :[
But I guess I wasn't too bad either.. lol.
Caz the show were successfull.
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♥ Sparkling Indonesia 2 & I was the MC. yayy! ♥
Saturday, October 3, 2009
♥ Sparkling Indonesia 2 & I was the MC. yayy! ♥
getting lunch before the show (rehearseal)
(this was after the MC thingy, i change my Batik to Jeans)
(lots of people asked what I wore, well, The Kebaya Top is the Transparant Gold-Brownish kind of color with lots of 'Payet'. As for the Batik under it was a designer made in Kalimantan Barat. The Batik one was given from my mom actually. It's a batik with a cut in the middle showing a bit legs. lol)
(hampir semua Panitia yg bertugas malam itu)
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