Matt and I had a lovely time visiting Heiser Farms in Dayton Oregon on Sunday. We have made it a tradition to pick our own pumpkins each year, and this would make it our 8th time together picking pumpkins and our 3rd time at Heiser Farms. Last year and the first year we were dating, we went to the Pumpkin Patch on Sauvie Island, which is also fantastic, but we wanted to stick closer to home this year. We may still go to the haunted corn maze on Sauvie Island next week... but we shall see!

Barn in the background at Heiser Farms.

So many to choose from. Normally, we go the weekend before Halloween and everything has been picked over, but this time around, it was really hard to choose!


Too warm for a jacket...

Still looking...

This one was lovely... but the grass is always greener.... have to keep looking...

We have a couple winners!

Chicks at the petting zoo.

Autumn is here!

Softest bunny... (hand unknown).

I was finally smart this year and wore some rubber boots (Hunter boots from gilt groupe!).

Waiting in line for some grub.

An abandoned piece of kettle corn.

Look! That's us a few years ago!

Pumpkin canons.

Traditional photo by the giant pumpkin 2009.

At Heiser Farms in 2007.

At Heiser Farms in 2006.
Last year, someone stole my pumpkin off our front porch, so we're keeping them indoors for now... maybe I need a few back-up pumpkins? There's still time before Halloween!