well, after the fun night at the prom, i was taken to the hospital eaaarrllyy in the morning.
it was suppose to be a 1 week holiday before Ramadhan.
but i had to spent most of the holiday in the hospital.
my fever was so high, the temperature were 39.9!!
plus, they won't go down for about 3 days!
ugh it was turtoring.
i hate hospital because you never know what's gonna come next.
they had to take my blood TWICE! & it hurts!
the infusion had to be injected to BOTH of my hands because my other hand was swollen.
the antibiotics that i had to took once a day it's torturing.
the injections.. the medicines.. the ultrasound tests.
they even put CUTTONBUD through my neck to checked whether i have the virus of H1N1 or not. not only once, but THREE TIMES!
Thank GOD, ALHAMDULILLAH i don't have any dangerous viruses.
just a normal fever.
unfortunately i also have Anemia & Lack of Liquid on my body.
so they gave me a bit treatment to cure those two.
Anemia has been going on on me since middle-school, i hate it.
i hope i will be totally heal someday, AMIN.
after spent 6 days at the hospital, i finally got out yesterday afternoon. (thursday 20th august).
i'd like to thank you all.. my family.. my friends.. my hney that has been supporting me, helping me & all the positive things for me.
thank you very much. :]
i ♥ you!
my advice is to keep healthy right now.
ini lagi musim sakit ya kawan, dimohon jaga kesehatannya. :)
keep your hands clean, eat lots of healthy food, drink more water than usual, etc!
love.love ♥♥
Thursday, August 20, 2009
☺ Admitted to The Hospital
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