I have been quite negligent about posting and sharing two awards I received last week. They were from Donna at Popsicle Toes and Deanne at Just Wasting Time. I am honored to receive anything from either of these two women... They are AMAZING crafters!
I think I am supposed to pass this award along, but I feel like I cannot narrow my list down to just five - ten deserving blogs. So... If you are one of my subscribers, pick your favorite of the two awards and add it to your blog! You deserve it!!!
Happy crafting!
Friday, May 1, 2009
New Awards
Artikel Terkait New Awards :
Blog Awards.... Soooo OverdueSome number of weeks ago ( I am embarrassed to say exactly how many weeks) Melinda Ford honored me with a blog award. I was right ...
♥ AIDIL FITRI, Indonesia & Award!heyyaa i am at home sweet home in INDONESIA. :]yippie yayyee~i landed a couple of hours ago, break the last day of fasting on mag ...
♛ AWARDMy First Award EVEER !!. hahaa ~maklum gue kan baru nge'blog. =)The Friendship Award was given by Echa, aww tnxx yahh, my 1st awa ...
♛ AWARDmy 3rd award given by Elly. aww thanksss yaaahh. she actually gave me more than one award, but i've posted the rest of them.howev ...
♥ Awards Tag & 7 Interesting Facts About Me. (with picss) ♥. hii. I got 2 awards today. yayyyy~~btw, I've list all my awards that I've ever got in the sidebar now. for the fun of it.<&l ...