Ever since making homemade English muffins, I've had visions of pink ♥-shaped muffins dancing in my head.
Well...they didn't exactly turn out like the muffins of my dreams, but they are still good.
Here's what I learned:
- Gel/Paste food coloring does not "knead in." I ended up with marbleized dough...good if you are going for the 60's psychedelic look.
- Heart-shaped dough doesn't necessarily stay heart-shaped. Anyone for English muffin amoebas?
- Most important, my neighbor makes a killer strawberry jam!!! (And it is the prettiest shade of red!)

I think I'm sticking to the original from now on. :)
{If only I can get my hands on some more jam. Hmmmm...}
{If only I can get my hands on some more jam. Hmmmm...}