I have had such a productive weekend - almost a scrapper's paradise! I designed and completed the next two Bitten by the Bug challenges. Sadly I can only share one of those with you tomorrow. I also created four additional projects, but again I cannot post those yet either... More on this at a later date.
I can share some of my layouts from last weekend. Yes, that would be called "guilt posting". I feel guilty that I have been such a busy scrapper, but have nothing to post on my blog! You are such wonderful readers, you rarely make me feel like I must have new material. But, I still have high levels of guilt.
I must share one other piece of news - My Michigan State Spartans beat UCONN in the final four on Saturday!!! I will admit to dancing around the living room singing the fight song!!! Of course we now must face North Carolina on Monday.... OUCH!
Okay, back to scrapping - I have three layouts to share. The first is another from my older son's visit to Atlanta. He and Chrissy have on their "News is Serious Business" faces... the goofs!
This layout is from my daughter's 21st birthday party. The colors may not have matched her outfit... but the words match her life!!
And finally, my daughter from last fall at the County Fair, with the little boy she has sat for since he was three or four.
I promise to have more tomorrow!!!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
A "Guilt Post"
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