This is not craft related in any way, but I wanted to share my roses and day lilies with you. My roses have just exploded over the last week or so and are just beautiful! Given the number of buds, I can safely say they will continue to be beautiful for some time to come.
Also fun this last week or two, my day lilies have all bloomed out. I love how these yellow lilies just "keep on keeping on" all summer long.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Just a Quick Note
Artikel Terkait Just a Quick Note :
A Flower Shed One day I would love to have a flower shed in which I could arrange flowers and store all of my vases and baskets and garden thi ...
Bedside CarnationsI forgot to post my bedside carnations yesterday with my other weekend flowers! I went to Woolworths on Friday afternoon to colle ...
Flowers Flowers Everywhere I for one am thrilled with the abundance of floral designs popping up here, there and everywhere. I have been collecting a lot o ...
A Little Flower Arranging SpotAnd just in case I didn't post enough images to get you excited about a flower shed yesterday, here's one more. Although I think ...
HappeningsLife as I know it just doesn't seem to be getting any slower or less hectic. Sometimes I crave a more subdued life but I suppose ...