I have horses on the brain, as this Saturday is the Kentucky Derby, an event I grew up watching every year on television and that has long held a special place in my heart.
It has also been a long time since my last theme week, and I have been chomping at the bit* to present this one, so, without further ado, I bring you Horse Week.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Chomping at the Bit
Artikel Terkait Chomping at the Bit :
A Late ContenderThis just in. We have a late contender joining the field for the horse home goods race. I can't believe he was overlooked in the ...
Cookies from artSo, here is batch #2 of cookies from our trip. These cookies were for my cousin Maura. She is an amazing artist, so I used her ...
Going GlobalI, apparently along with many others in the blog world, was smitten with Andrea of Hula Seventy's house tour on Cafe Mom this wee ...
To Break BreadWhen I was growing up, I loved sharing dinner with my family while sitting outside in the warm evening air, and I still feel the ...
Edible Image CookiesI realized when posting Terri's birthday cookies that I've never posted about her 40th birthday cookies.Now, I hope Terri won't m ...