My list of dream vacations is long and continually expanding. Some places are closer to the top of the list than others and some have long-held their spots, but all are vacations I'd love to experience one day.
One item on the list is to cruise the canals of Europe on-board a hotel barge, like the Golden Odyssey, a private barge-yacht available for charter out of Flanders, Belgium.
This setting looks like perfection. I might not be much of a morning person, but I would love to watch dawn break from the deck chairs.
I'll happily meander through quaint villages as we weave our way through the countryside.
I'm content to dock in small towns
Or larger cities.
A glass of wine as we cruise through Paris? Why, I'd love one. And you?
The deck is a perfect place to relax
And take in the sights... oh,look! It's Notre Dame ahead on the left.
When the night air gets chilly, we can retreat below deck with our glasses of wine and sit by the roaring fire.
With three cabins, including one with twin beds, there is plenty of room for friends.
We'd even have our own bathrooms, as each cabin has one en-suite.
Now, don't mind us if we turn in early. There's champagne waiting, and I hate to keep it waiting long.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
At Your Leisure
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