Happy 2009!!! We are still unpacking boxes, but my sprinkles and food colorings have a new home. :) This is a marked improvement over the box in an armoire where they have been residing!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Happy New Year (I'm still here!!!)
Artikel Terkait Happy New Year (I'm still here!!!) :
Happy Veterans Day...Baking GALS, part 2Happy Veterans Day to the soldiers (past & present) in our life...Dad, Bob, Jane, Nana :) and Mike. Thank you all for your se ...
Sugar can make you pretty . . . Works For Me WednesdayIt will come as no surprise to you that I have a great love for C&H sugar and Domino sugar. What I didn't know about them, i ...
Easy *chocolate-dipped* CannoliOne of my favorite blogs to read is Sugarcrafter. Tracy makes delectable food and her pictures are just gorgeous. When she made ...
I feel pretty. . .Every girl deserves a makeover now and then, and Bake at 350 is no exception!If you are reading this through a feed or a reader, ...
Church Bake SaleOur parish has a fall festival every year and I just came back home from dropping off some goodies for the bake sale (and preview ...