Happy 2009!!! We are still unpacking boxes, but my sprinkles and food colorings have a new home. :) This is a marked improvement over the box in an armoire where they have been residing!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Happy New Year (I'm still here!!!)
Artikel Terkait Happy New Year (I'm still here!!!) :
Alien Juice . . . Works For Me WednesdayYou can admit it....you thought our family's diet consisted of sugar and butter alone. Because we have our fair share of sugar ar ...
A birthday, some awards and total frustration with my internet connection!!!Our internet connection has just not been right in the last week. It goes in and out...mostly out, so that I feel I am falling be ...
Cookie packaging Have you seen the cookie boxes from Martha Stewart? Oh my goodness....they are so cute! She has a few different designs. They ar ...
A shout-out to Mandy. . .First, let me say, I see my inbox is full of emails and cookies questions and I promise I will respond very soon! Here's my excu ...
Make Your Own! Apple and Pumpkin Pie Spice. . .Works For Me WednesdayFor years, when I saw a recipe calling for Apple Pie Spice or Pumpkin Pie Spice, I'd pass it over. Either that, or I'd use the 9 ...