I am currently working on a batch of cookies for a friend's birthday and am making a few extras for a giveaway! Anyone interested? Leave a comment by 7:00pm Central on Sunday (July 20th) and a winner will be randomly selected. I'll contact the winner Sunday night to get your address. The only rule is, the cookies have to be shipped within the US. (Yes, Molly...Hawaii counts!) I'll ship the cookies out on Monday. Yay! :)
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Birthday cookies and a GIVEAWAY!
Artikel Terkait Birthday cookies and a GIVEAWAY! :
Bake at 350 turns 3! (That's 21 in blog years.)Three years ago. Three years ago I started this blog with a riveting post.{I was afraid to say anything.}And then there was the n ...
A BACKWARDS giveaway and a reminder. . .Do you have this book, Hello Cupcake? It is such a fun book and a copy is going to Mrs. G at The Givens Chronicles because she w ...
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Patriotic pancakes. . . .a recipe and a GIVEAWAY!!!Yes, that's an American flag on my pancake!***{Update: we now have a winner...Michelle of Lionden Landing. Congrats, Michelle! H ...
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