Check out the link to the right....bake at 350 is officially part of the Foodie BlogRoll! I am so excited! Now I have some serious computer time in store checking out all of those yummy blogs!
Friday, December 28, 2007
Yay! I'm officially a foodie! :)
Artikel Terkait Yay! I'm officially a foodie! :) :
What's In My Pantry?If you are at all interested in what I have in my pantry, then head over to Fashion Food Fatale HERE {I must admit, it's nothing ...
Cookies for The Mercy HouseMr. E and I have moved A LOT. We've also been blessed by some wonderful neighbors.In Dallas, we had retirees on both sides. ...
Helping cookies keep their shape . . . Works For Me WednesdaysWelcome to a new (to Bake at 350) blog feature...Works For Me Wednesday. Here's a synopsis of what it's all about..."Basically, t ...
Kelly's Cake Off . . . cake decorating for a causeOK...are you ready for a looooong post with lots of pictures? I hope so! Keep reading to see how you can help and there's a cha ...
New York: A previewRest assured, there is a loooooooooooong blog post coming about my trip to NYC, but I wanted you to know that you can start raisi ...